Monday, August 29, 2016

RIP Betty Nixon

Betty Nixon
I served in the Metro Council with Betty Nixon in the decade of the eighties.  While she was a progressive Democrat and I a Republican, I had a great deal of respect for Betty Nixon. The Metro Council is a non-partisan body and most issues are  non-ideological so political ideology is only rarely a factor in determining who one aligns with.  Betty had been a leader of a neighborhood organization before serving in the Council and so had I, so we had that in common. We had both fought against the building of I-440.

I think Betty Nixon was one of the better Council member with whom I served.  She was smart, understood the complex issues, did her homework, had integrity, and she loved this city.  Betty Nixon was a good person and good public servant. RIP

To read the Tennessean article regarding Betty Nixon's passing, follow this link.

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