Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Tim Kaine’s ObamaCare is Collapsing in Tennessee

Press release, NASHVILLE, Tenn.-August 23, 2016--Democratic Vice Presidential Nominee Tim Kaine comes to Tennessee this evening where the latest damaging development about ObamaCare is reverberating throughout Tennessee. This is the the law Kaine has called a "great achievement."

Tennessee's Insurance Commissioner Julie McPeak has said the ObamaCare exchange is 'very near collapse', as reported by the Nashville Tennessean. On a related note, the Chattanooga Times Free Press reports ObamaCare rates are set to skyrocket by the "biggest amount since the program began three years ago." U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander told the newspaper these rate hikes are "only the most recent proof that Obamacare is spiraling out of control."

Tennessee Republican Party Chairman Ryan Haynes discussed the Virginia Senator's woefully-timed fundraising visit to the Volunteer State. "While the Democrat Vice Presidential nominee is here to prospect for checks, Tennesseans are dealing with headlines that ObamaCare's exchange in Tennessee is near total collapse. This isn't a 'great achievement'--it's a failure. Democrats passed this law based on false promises and now it's hurting our citizens who deserve better than government mandates and higher taxes. Yet, as part of the Clinton campaign, Tim Kaine wants to double down on this disaster. That can't happen," stated Haynes. "Republicans are ready with an alternative that allows for higher quality care, more choices, and lower costs. It's time to put patients back in charge of healthcare, not the government."

Online: http://tngop.org/tim-kaines-obamacare-is-collapsing-in-tennessee/ ObamaCare will be known as a ‘Great Achievement’: During an interview with CNN's State of the Union, Sen. Kaine remarked about ObamaCare: "I think health care reform is going to go down in history as one of the great achievements of this president." (1/2/11)

On Health Care, Kaine said when the American people “Immediately see the benefits,” then Health Care would be “a great thing politically for the Dems.” AMANPOUR: “You mentioned health care. I want to say something that you, yourself, said about this issue when it comes to elections.” KAINE: “OK, great.” KAINE: “When make this happen, and people immediately see the benefits that are going to come their way, I think this is going to be a great thing politically for the Dems. And we’re trying to show members that they’ve got their constituents behind them if they vote with the president.” (ABC’s “This Week,” 10/24/10)

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