Monday, September 19, 2016

Do these deplorables go in Hillary's basket?

Do we need a bigger basket?
Communist Party USA Endorses Clinton

Felons for Hillary: Now add this bit of news to the fray: One prominent New York superdelegate a convicted felon just so happens to be....
In November, former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver was found guilty on seven counts involving corruption schemes that netted him $4 million in legal fees.
Clinton Donor Is A Lawyer For Mexican Drug Cartels | …

A California Ku Klux Klan leader on Monday endorsed Hillary Clinton

This Is How Corruption Works: A Hillary Clinton Example
Hillary Clinton Kissed by Former Klan Member
Clinton's Wall Street backers: We get it: NEW YORK — Hillary Clinton sounded like a woman on a mission after her long drive into the heartland: “There’s something wrong,” she told Iowans on Tuesday, when “hedge fund managers pay lower taxes than nurses or the truckers I saw on I-80 when I was driving here over the last two days.”
But back in Manhattan, the hedge fund managers who’ve long been part of her political and fundraising networks aren’t sweating the putdown and aren’t worrying about their take-home pay just yet.

Thug Love: Gangsta Rappers Endorse Hillary Clinton

Black Lives Matter is funded by George Soros. Soros supports Hillary and supported Obama as well. Soros also funded In fact, George Soros and the Clintons have a long and cozy history.

Hillary Clinton and the Black Panthers
Islamic Terrorists In the Middle-East Endorse Hillary ...

Marxist Terrorist Supporter Endorses Hillary Clinton ...

Leftist Cop Killer’s Psycho Manifesto Praises Obama, Hillary 

 Hillary is the corporate candidate, Twenty-nine of the 30 Dow Jones Industrial Average index companies have given money ... She is a crony capitalist through

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