Monday, September 26, 2016

ObamaCare continues to crash: BlueCross BlueShield pulls out of Nashville, Memphis and Knoxville.

Times Free Press, 9-26-2016 - Tennessee's biggest health insurer is dropping its participation in the Affordable Care Act health exchange next year in the state's three biggest markets, cutting coverage of the 214,000 persons now enrolled in one of the so-called ObamaCare exchange plans by more than half.

BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee announced today that it will be withdrawing its ACA exchange plans in 2017 in the Memphis, Nashville and Knoxville markets to help limit its exposure to what has cost the Chattanooga-based health insurer nearly $500 million in losses in the past three years. ... the cutbacks is where ACA individual plans will be offered will likely require about 115,000 individuals to pick from new health insurers next year. (link)

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