Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Police promise to arrest violators of gun ban at Tennessee Valley Fair

No one had been threatened with arrest for violating Knoxville's ban on firearms at the Tennessee Valley Fair, so Second Amendment activists on Tuesday sought out the threat. And they got it, from the Knoxville Police Department's deputy chief of patrol, Monty Houk, as they stood outside a gate leading to the fairgrounds.

Seven members of the Tennessee Firearms Association gathered outside Gate 8 at East Magnolia Avenue and Beaman Street about 6 p.m. to obtain a promise of arrest in order to garner standing for a lawsuit. The group has already filed a lawsuit against a ban on carrying guns at the fairgrounds but wanted to bolster its case.

"It looks like the judge is going to throw (the lawsuit) out because no one was thrown out of the fair," said Raymond Bergeron, a Heiskell man who has fought for years for legislation expanding the rights of handgun carry permit holders.

Bergeron and his wife, Kimberly, asked Houk specifically what would happen should the permit holders try to enter the fairgrounds while armed. Raymond Bergeron, 61, was armed at the time. His wife was not. Both had their $10 entry tickets in hand.

Both, Houk assured them, would be subject to arrest on a charge of criminal trespassing should they violate the gun ban. TFA members shot video of the exchange.

With that, the members of the association thanked Houk for his time, thanked him for the job he did, wished him well and ended the conversation. They got what their attorney had told them they needed to satisfy Knox County Chancellor John F. Weaver's questions regarding whether their lawsuit had been filed by an injured party.  - KnoxvilleNews Sentinel

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