Saturday, September 03, 2016

Rep. Black: Hillary Clinton is Either Lying or Even More Incompetent Than We Thought

Gallatin, TN– Congressman Diane Black (R-TN-06) released the following statement on the FBI’s newly unveiled summary of its July 2, 2016 interview with Presidential candidate and former

“As the steady drip, drip, drip from Hillary Clinton’s secret server scandal continues, it has become clearer than ever that she lacks the character and judgement to be President of the United States,” said Congressman Diane Black. “Secretary Clinton’s statement to the FBI that she did not know how classified emails were marked is particularly outrageous. The American people will have to decide if this is yet another Clinton lie or if she truly was that uninformed and ill-equipped to perform her duties as Secretary of State. Either outcome should be totally unacceptable to voters and disqualifying to her candidacy as President of the United States.”

Congressman Black added, “While unsurprising from anyone with the last name ‘Clinton’, we
deserve better than this type of behavior from someone who has served as the nation’s top diplomat. This is precisely why I joined a letter to FBI Director Comey demanding more information on the decision not to recommend an indictment and why I support Speaker Paul Ryan’s calls to revoke Secretary Clinton’s security clearance. While we await further answers and accountability, the American people fortunately have the ultimate tool at their disposal to stop Hillary Clinton’s corruption and incompetence this November: the ballot box. I will continue to do my part in this endeavor by working to elect trusted, conservative candidates across the ballot.”
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton:

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