Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Sen. Bob Corker, given nine chances to express a shred of confidence in Trump, comes up empty

By Kerry Eleveld, Daily Kos, Wednesday Sep 07, 2016 -  GOP Sen. Bob Corker, who chairs the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, had a very rough go on MSNBC's Morning Joe Wednesday when he repeatedly had the chance to express any confidence whatsoever in Donald Trump’s ability to serve as commander in chief. Katherine Krueger writes: “Can you explain why you think Donald Trump would be a better commander-in-chief than Hillary Clinton?” [Mike] Barnicle asked. After a deep inhale, the GOP senator replied, “Well, look, I didn't come on the program to talk politics. You asked me to come on to talk about public policy.” ..... asked if Trump had a plan to defeat ISIS that he knew of. "No," Corker responded. .... (link)

My Comment: Congratulation Senator Corker for not faking some confidence.  I have as about as much confidence in Trump as you do.  I think Trump and Hillary are both untrustworthy and incompetent.

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