Saturday, September 03, 2016

TNGOP Statement On Hillary Clinton’s FBI Interview Records

NASHVILLE, Tenn.-Sept. 2, 2016--Tennessee Republican Party Chairman Ryan Haynes released the following statement on the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s release of its summary of the interview with Hillary Clinton as a part of their criminal investigation into her secret email server:
"This kind of behavior would be unacceptable for a third-rate IT staffer, let alone the U.S.
Secretary of State. It is absolutely baffling that Hillary Clinton, with her sights set on the presidency, would engage in these activities that prove either extreme incompetence or criminal negligence. After these revelations, can anyone realistically say they still believe Clinton is honest and trustworthy?"

Hillary Signed She Received Briefing on Classified Info, But Told FBI She Hadn't (Weekly Standard, 9/2/16): Either Hillary Clinton lied to the FBI or she lied on a State Department form as she began her tenure as Secretary of State. This conclusion appears inescapable after Friday's FBI document release related to the Clinton email investigation.
Clinton emails wiped clean after NYT story (The Hill, 9/2/16): A number of Hillary Clinton’s private emails were erased weeks after The New York Times published a story reporting on her use of a private email server while secretary of State, according to notes from the FBI’s investigation released on Friday.
Clinton's State Dept. warned against private email use (The Hill, 9/2/16): Under Hillary Clinton, the State Department told all agency employees not to use their personal email addresses for work — a guidance that Clinton herself did not follow.The revelation came from the FBI's detailed release Friday of notes from its investigation into the former secretary of State's use of a private email server. "State employees were cautioned about security and record retention concerns regarding the use of personal e-mail," the notes
FBI report: Clinton possibly used 13 mobile devices to send emails through private server (The Hill, 9/2/16): The report indicates the FBI investigation found 13 total mobile devices associated with her two known phone numbers which were potentially used to send emails using her email addresses. That may contradict what Clinton initially told the public last year. She said in March of 2015, in defense of using a personal email address and server, "I thought it would be easier to carry just one device for my work and for my personal emails instead of two."

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