Monday, October 24, 2016

Vote for Diane Black in District 6.

From her first days in public office leading the fight against a Republican governor’s proposed state income tax, Diane Black has proven herself as a fearless leader, unafraid to stand up to members of her own party when they stray from our conservative principles. A small business owner and a nurse for more than 40 years, Diane is leading the fight to balance the federal budget, overhaul our broken tax code, REPEAL Obamacare, and protect our Tennessee values, which is why the American Conservative Union honored her with the prestigious “Defender of Liberty” award for her 100% conservative voting record.

In Congress, Diane Black fought back against President Obama’s out-of-control spending by cosponsoring a Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and working with Chairman Paul Ryan to author the Path to Prosperity Budget which cuts spending by $4.6 trillion, saves Medicare for future generations, and balances within ten years. Diane Black was the first member of Congress to pass legislation repealing a health care provision in Obamacare which saved taxpayers $13 billion. She is continuing to fight tooth and nail to fully repeal this law.

Building off of her work in the Tennessee state legislature as a leader in the fight to stop illegal immigration, Diane Black wrote and passed through the House of Representatives legislation to defund President Obama’s politically motivated lawsuits against states like Arizona that enforce commonsense immigration laws, earning Black an A+ rating during the 112th Congress from the conservative anti-amnesty group Numbers USA.

A tireless advocate for the rights of the unborn, Diane Black’s first piece of legislation in the 113th Congress, H.R. 217 would withhold federal funding for Planned Parenthood and other so-called “family planning” organizations that perform abortions. Black is also the author of H.R. 940, the Health Care Conscience Rights Act, legislation to protect the First Amendment rights of health care providers to refuse to perform abortions and offers full exemption from the Obama administration’s Health and Human Services (HHS) employee healthcare mandate that requires coverage for abortion inducing drugs.

As a member of the House Ways & Means Committee, Diane Black is a leading voice in the fight to stop the rampant abuses of power within President Obama’s Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Most recently, Black introduced H.R. 2022, Stopping Government Abuse of Taxpayer Information Act, legislation that calls for the immediate firing of all IRS agents who targeted Americans based on their beliefs and goes after all government agencies with access to Obamacare’s Federal Data Services Hub, the largest compilation of personal information the U.S. government has ever attempted, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Black and her husband of over 30 years, Dr. David Black have three grown children and six grandchildren. They live in Gallatin and attend Community Church in Hendersonville.

Please reelect Diane Black to Congress in the 6th District. For more on Diane Black, visit her website.

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