Sunday, November 06, 2016

Don't vote for Lesser Evil; vote for Evan McMullin

Rod —
Donald Trump is a liar. I must speak the truth.
During the presidential debates, live on national television, he said “I don’t know [Russian President Vladimir] Putin.” But in 2013, before he started running for president, he bragged in an interview about his relationship with the Russian president.
Americans often say casually that “politicians are liars,” but rarely have we seen someone so brazenly and frequently lie to the American people as Donald Trump does. He simply cannot be trusted, and he cannot be president.
And despite what you may read in the papers, this election is far from over. With her FBI investigation back in the headlines, Hillary Clinton is back on the defensive with just 7 days to go. Anything could happen on Election Day, and that’s why it’s more important than ever for us to double down on winning in Utah and the Mountain West.
If the results are close on Election Night and if we win in Utah, we can make history by sending this election to the House of Representatives under the 12th Amendment. And if that happens, we like our chances.
That’s right: if we win in Utah, we can save the republic by preventing either Clinton or Trump from ever becoming president. But to win in Utah, we need your help — today — with reaching undecided voters and in our Get Out The Vote (GOTV) efforts.
Can you chip in $5, or whatever you can, to help us convince undecided voters in Utah? The polls show that we’re neck and neck with Trump in the Beehive State, and your donation could put us over the top.

If you've saved your payment information, your donation will go through with just one click.

Or, donate another amount:

Many Thanks,
— Joel
Joel Searby
Chief Strategist
McMullin for President

My Comment: You do not have to vote for the lesser of two evils.  I am voting for Evan McMullin.

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1 comment:

  1. I haven't looked at your site for a while now, but I somehow figured this would be your stand. It's a joke that you post the cartoons of Hillary Clinton making fun of her crimes and yet you are voting for someone who has no chance to win, thus helping to elect her. You will be even more disgruntled I'd she wins. This is disgusting and I'll never look at your site again. Your smugness as a Never Trumper is sickening and lends no credence to anything further you have to say!!!
