Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Should Bob Corker be picked for Secretary of State?

While Rudy Giuliani  and Mitt Romney are the leading contenders for Secretary of State and each have their critics, another name that keeps popping up is that of Tennessee's own Senator Bob Corker.  Corker is chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.  I have watched a lot of CPAN and seen Bob Corker in action and have always been impressed by his command of the facts, probing questions, logic and demeanor. I have a lot of respect for Senator Corker.

I have not studied Senator Corker's roll in the Iran deal to know if for a fact Senator Corker helped make the deal possible. I know enough about the Iran deal to know I think it is a disaster.  Below is an evaluation of Senator Corker from Conservative Review that says Corker would be a terrible pick for Secretary of State. I am withholding judgement and am trying to determine if in fact Bob Corker facilitated the Iran nuclear deal.

4 reasons Bob Corker would be the absolute WORST pick for Secretary of State
Conservative Review - Senator Bob Corker, R-Tenn. (F, 45%) has been floated as a serious contender to become President-elect Donald Trump’s secretary of state and will meet with Trump this week. But his resume in Congress is spattered with red flag.

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