Wednesday, December 07, 2016

In Council Action on Tuesday Dec. 6th: School seat belts deferred, anti-Trump feel-good resolution passes and Council decides we should not build the Dakota pipeline.

The Metro Council in the meeting of Tuesday, December the sixth, deferred action on the resolution that requested the school board require seat belts in all new school buses purchased. Requiring seat belts in all new bus purchases could add as much as $12,000 to the cost of each new bus. One reason for that cost is that with seat belts each bus could hold fewer students, only two per bench seat, so more buses would have to be purchased. The contention that school buses need seat belts is in dispute. The Federal Highway Traffic Safety Administration says school buses are designed to be safe with or without seat belts.

In other action the Council passed the anti-Trump, meaningless feel-good measure that says Nashville will continue to be nice place and the Council voted against building the Dakota pipeline. For the Tennessean report on the Council meeting follow this link.

As soon as the video of the Council meeting is available, I will post it and highlight the good parts and summarized the meeting. Check back.

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