Friday, December 02, 2016

Rand Paul wants Bob Corker for Secretary of State

Rand Paul finally reveals who he wants as secretary of state

The Blaze, by Brandon Morse - Kentucky Senator Rand Paul has been on the warpath when it comes to President-elect Donald Trump’s secretary of state picks. He’s not been one to hold back commentary about former ambassador to the U.N. John Bolton, calling him a “menace,” and vowing that if Trump decided to go with Bolton, the Senator would gather the necessary votes to stop it. Paul was also just as adamant about Trump’s other rumored pick, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

But now, according to Politico, another pick has surfaced that could have bipartisan support from both Republicans and Democrats, and even the approval of the picky Kentucky senator.

This is none other than Tennessee Senator Bob Corker.

“I think he would be a great pick,” Paul said of Corker. (read more)

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1 comment:

  1. go read rocky top politics and learn of Crokers bent financial dealings. this guy is a joke and a big mistake.
