Wednesday, December 21, 2016

TennesseeCAN releases 2016 Tennessee Education Policy Report Card

Report shows positive movement over last year, adds new policy areas to report, and identifies key areas needing further improvement

Press release, NASHVILLE, TN, 12-20-2016 – This morning, TennesseeCAN: The Tennessee Campaign for Achievement Now released the 2016 Tennessee Policy Report Card. This is the fourth annual publication of this kind looking at model education policy practices and current state law. This report focuses on 25 education policy issues in Tennessee around educator quality, school choice, data and transparency and systems flexibility.

With the release of this year’s report card, TennesseeCAN Deputy Director Daniel Zavala said, "Our state continues to maintain strong policies related to educator quality and make strides toward model practice in school choice and school systems flexibility. We are looking forward to continued progress in these areas and the positive impact they will have on student outcomes for all of Tennessee."

“Tennessee's commitment to "all means all" is commendable," added TennesseeCAN Director of Policy and Strategy Charlie Bufalino.  "In order to remain the fastest improving state in education, educators, policymakers and community leaders must remain committed to ensuring that every Tennessee student has access to an effective teacher and a high-quality school--particularly those students from historically underserved backgrounds."

Below are some of the highlights and key findings from the report card:
  • Of the 25 policies examined, our state has a strong rating in nearly 1/3, with key progress in others. This positive movement is yet another item reinforcing Tennessee’s recent gains.
  • The state maintains a model standard in identifying quality instruction and practice with educators through robust evaluation rubrics and performance-based policies.
  • Tennessee’s commitment to providing students quality school options through expanded school choice is reflected, along with some highlighted areas where greater choice programs are needed.
  • This year also saw strong efforts to ensure our educators, state entities and the greater public have increased access to quality data.
  • Tennessee continues to need improvement around student assignment practices and school improvement strategies.
  • Several changes were made to existing policy rubrics that were in the previous year’s report. 
To view the 2016 Tennessee Policy Report Card in its entirety, click here.

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