Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Americans for Prosperity Tennessee urges citizen action to stop the gas tax.

Dear Rod,

Governor Bill Haslam announced his plan to increase the gas tax this morning. Many legislators are already wavering and saying they will go along with a plan that is "revenue neutral."
Contact Legislator buttonIf you want to stop the gas tax hike the time to act is NOW. Please contact your legislator HERE  or by calling them directly at 615-741-1100.
Points to remember:
TN has a record budget surplus - currently 1.2 Billion dollars 

Now is the time to cut taxes, not raise them.

The 7 cent-per-gallon increase will make TN's gas tax one of the highest in the South. Only Georgia and North Carolina would have a higher gas tax. Their gas tax hikes haven't solved the congestion issues in Atlanta or Charlotte and it won't solve traffic headaches here either.
To make matters worse the proposal will automatically and continually increase the gas tax. Seven cents is just the start.
AFP - In the News

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