Tuesday, January 24, 2017

I would like to nominate Lindsey Lowe for the 'Roe v Wade Women of Courage award.'

Infanticide - a women's choice. 
Free Lindsey Lowe!

"Lowe admitted she put her hand over one baby’s mouth until the infant stopped crying and then did the same to the second child after giving birth to them in a toilet. .. .She told police that no one knew she was pregnant, and even she thought she was having a bowel movement when she gave birth to two boys, according to court documents. The 6-and-a-half-pound boys lived for only five minutes." (read the story)

The pro choice movement should champion her cause. Six minutes earlier and Lindsey Lowe could have legally had the product of conception eliminated from her body in a partial birth abortion. Lindsey Lowe deserves to be the poster child for the pro-choice movement. Suggested slogans are, "being six minutes late should not be a crime," or "my toilet; my choice," or "Roe v Wade did not go far enough!" Maybe just,  "Free Lindsey Lowe, a victim of male oppression."  How about, "Infanticide - a women's choice."

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