Friday, January 06, 2017

Petitions for and against UT band playing the inauguration

by Rachel Ohm, Knoxville News Sentinel - Feelings about the University of Tennessee's Pride of the Southland marching band playing in President-elect Donald Trump's inaugural parade go both ways, as a handful of counter-petitions have been started in response to one asking the university to withdraw the band from the parade's lineup.

On Saturday, a day after it was announced that the band would play at the inauguration, Goodlettsville resident Scott Lillard started a petition protesting their participation and garnering more than 3,300 signatures by Thursday.

Four other petitions were started on this week supporting the band's participation in the event, collectively gathering about 410 signatures by Thursday.(continue reading)

Petitions aim to stop bands from performing in Inaugural Parade

by Rachel Ohm, USA Today Network - A petition calling on the University of Tennessee at Knoxville to stop the university marching band from playing in the parade down Pennsylvania Avenue had garnered more than 1,750 signatures by Tuesday night, according to the petition on

"As either proud residents of Tennessee or proud University of Tennessee alumni, we are greatly disturbed by the behavior exhibited by Donald Trump both during and after the recent presidential campaign," says a letter accompanying the petition, which was started by Tennessee resident Scott Lillard, of Goodlettsville. (continue reading)

Sign the Petition supporting the UT Pride of the Southland band marching in the inaugural parade

by Rod Williams - An inauguration should be considered a national civic event not a political event. 
Participating in the inauguration does not signify that you were a supporter of the  new president, but that you support the orderly transition of power.  It is nothing more than standing for the pledge or singing the national anthem.

When Republicans call out Democrats for disrespecting President-elect Trump, Democrats will say Republicans equally disrespected President Obama. That is simply not true. There was no organized effort to pressure entertainers and university marching bands to not perform at the inauguration.  Liberals who claim to favor open dialogue, freedom of expression and oppose bulling are engaging in bulling in unprecedented fashion.  We are witnessing Trump supporters being beat up and having their cars vandalized by thugs and "respectable" people are ridiculing and ostracizing and threatening the livelihood of people who are simply willing to honor the institution of the presidency. 

Join me in signing the petition to Support UT Pride of the Southland. Support them marching in the inaugural parade.

Other petitions supporting the UT band marching in the inauguration can be found here, and here,

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