Thursday, January 05, 2017

SURVEY: NFIB members support Tennessee's occupational licensing review

Press release, NASHVILLE, Jan. 5, 2017—Small-business members of the National Federation of Independent Business support Tennessee’s ongoing occupational licensing review, said Jim Brown, the association's state director. The evaluation is a requirement of Public Chapter 1053, the Right to Earn a Living Act.
Sixty-two percent of NFIB members responding to a survey believe the licensing review is a good direction for Tennessee, while 19 percent oppose and another 19 percent are undecided. Brown said NFIB will not be advocating immediately for specific licensing reforms until the House and Senate Government Operations committees complete their reviews. 
Last month, NFIB and the Beacon Center of Tennessee co-published a “How to Guide” for the Right to Earn a Living Act. The manual provides legislators, industry leaders and the public a series of questions to ask to ensure entry regulations and licensing exist to protect consumers’ health and safety, not create barriers of entry into professions.
“In the 1950s, just one in 20 workers needed a license to work. Today, it has skyrocketed to nearly one in three,” said Brown, noting the time to obtain a license (average of 222 days) and costs (average of $218) have prohibited an estimated 15,000 Tennesseans from getting a job. “NFIB recognizes certain licensing schemes are strongly merited, but some professions could regulate more efficiently through greater market competition, better enforcement of the Consumer Protection Act, inspections, bonding and insurance, registration, and certification.”
Other results from the 2017 NFIB Tennessee Member Ballot:
  • 75 percent of Tennessee members oppose the state adopting its own equal pay act in addition to the 1963 federal law, while 17 percent support, and 8 percent are undecided
  • 53 percent oppose legislation requiring arbitration on consumer contracts to be non-binding, while 16 percent favor, and 31 percent are undecided
  • 47 percent oppose requiring all costs and fees in commercial transaction to be disclosed, while 42 percent favor, and 11 percent are undecided
NFIB will monitor several issues of importance to small business, including transportation reform and gas tax proposals, healthcare reform, and any reforms to the franchise & excise tax.
NFIB is the nation's and Tennessee's leading small-business association. To learn more, visit and follow @NFIB_TN on Twitter.
NFIB is the nation’s leading small business association, with offices in Washington, D.C. and all 50 state capitals. Founded in 1943 as a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, NFIB gives small and independent business owners a voice in shaping the public policy issues that affect their business. NFIB’s powerful network of grassroots activists sends their views directly to state and federal lawmakers through our unique member-only ballot, thus playing a critical role in supporting America’s free enterprise system. NFIB’s mission is to promote and protect the right of our members to own, operate and grow their businesses. More information is available online at

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