Saturday, January 21, 2017

TURD victims act out in violense and in Nashville thousands March in protest of Trump's taking office.

TURD rioters in D.C on Inauguration Day
While the inauguration of Donald J Trump was taking place in Washington yesterday, about five blocks away those affected by Trump Unacceptance & Resistance Disorder (TURD) were acting out by smashing storefront windows with hammers and ripping up newspaper stands and mailboxes and trashcans and throwing them in the street and starting fires and attacking police.  Six police were treated for injured and 217 people were arrested (link). Others with less a less severe form of TURD blocked entrances to the inauguration area and staged non-violent sit-ins and harassed and inconvenienced those there to partake in the inaugural activities.

Across the nation, in New York, Chicago, Portland, Seattle, and a few other places those with the
TURD protesters  in Nashville Jan. 21, 2017
disorder engaged in violence and arrest were made.  Other cites saw those with the less-violent strain of the disorder engage in disruptive civil-disobedience.  In Nashville, according to the Tennessean, hundreds of victims of TURD gathered in Centennial Park for a silent inauguration. They had a moment of silence at the same time as Trump was taking the oath of office. Meanwhile a small group of young people protested at the capitol in downtown Nashville. Some chained themselves to each other and blocked entrances to the capitol building and had to be arrested when they refused to remove themselves from illegally blocking an entrance. (link)

TURD protesters arrested at the Capitol

On Saturday, while a massive March of women who surfer from TURD was occurring in  Washington, local TURD women victims marched solidarity in Nashville. The Tennessean estimated the crowd at about 15,000.

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