Monday, February 06, 2017

$1.2M per job !!! ??? This isn't fake news! You can't make this stuff up. State's largest tax credit for biz costs $1.2M per job.

State's largest tax credit for biz costs $1.2M per job, study finds

by Mike Reicher, The Tennessean, Feb. 6, 2017 - Tennessee taxpayers forgo $1.2 million each year to subsidize a single job through the state’s largest business tax break program. .... if Tennessee collected the $142 million it forgoes each year because of the business tax credits, the state could pave nearly 800 miles of interstate highway lanes or hire more than 2,300 teachers .... That particular credit cost the state an average of $66.7 million per year from 2011 through 2014, or $1.2 million per job. .... (read more

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