Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Candidates for Davidson County GOP positions.

On Saturday February 18th Davidson County Republicans will hold their caucuses and convention.  I have received very little information about it an nothing official from the Party.  Here are the candidates that I know of that are seeking leadership position. 

James B. Garrett
Connie Hunter
Tres Wittum
(Lonnie Spivak had floated his name but has reportedly decided against it.)

The 2 Vice Chairman Positions
Charles (Chase) Montgomery
Melissa Smithson

Check back an update for more information on these candidates and others who may become known.  I will provide it as it becomes available. However, with the convention this Saturday, much may not become available. If a candidate will send me their announcement I will post it.  If they want to post an essay to convince readers of this blog that they deserve your vote to lead the Party, this space is available.

Tres Wittum unsuccessfully  ran for Chairman at the Convention two years ago.  He works for
for the Chairman of the TN Senate Finance Committee.

Connie Hunter is very active in local Republican politics and has served in leadership positions.  Melissa Smithson is also active in local Republican Party politics and unsuccessfully ran for council last council elections.

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