Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Fresh Faces Emerge as County Republicans Elect New Leaders for 2018

New Chairman Tres Wittum elected with Young Republicans Participating at Historic Levels

Press release, Nashville – This Saturday at the Millennium Maxwell House Hotel, the Davidson County Republican Party held its biennial county convention and caucus to elect a County Chairman and Executive Board. 

Over 200 local Republicans attended to participate in the election of the seven-member board, who will serve through the 2018 election cycle. Outgoing Chairman Bob Ries selected local Republican activist Mark Rogers to Chair the convention, assisted by A.E. Graham who served as Parliamentarian for the proceedings. 

In the first and longest election of the day, Tres Wittum was elected Chairman after a runoff election. Mr. Wittum is an analyst with the Finance, Ways and Means Committee of the Tennessee State Senate, and served as President of the Tennessee College Republicans from 2009-2011. 

"I'm honored to have the confidence of my friends and colleagues, and I am absolutely thrilled with the team they have put together. Nashville is a growing and diverse city, and our board reflects that. We are strongly positioned to spread the conservative message of limited government and personal freedom as we grow the party in 2018 and beyond."

Mr. Wittum will be taking the helm along with Melissa Smithson, who was elected to 1st Vice-Chairman. Ms. Smithson has been a fixture in local Republican politics, most recently as a candidate for Council District 28. Prior to that, she was a strong voice in the effort to save the State Fairgrounds and defeat the AMP proposal.

Heather Sczepczenski, currently on staff with State Treasurer David Lillard, was elected to 2nd Vice Chairman. Ms. Sczepczenski formerly served as Chairman of the Davidson County Young Republicans.

Others elected to the executive board include:

Communications Secretary: Erin Rogus (policy assistant to Senator Bill Frist)
Treasurer: Nashville City Councilman Steve Glover
Assistant Treasurer: Aaron Snodderly (former staffer for Ted Cruz for President, and past Chairman of the Tennessee Young Republicans)
Recording Secretary: Evann Freeman (field representative for Senator Lamar Alexander)

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