Wednesday, February 08, 2017

Garrett announces candidacy for Davidson County Republican Party Chairmanship

Press Release -   Today Jim Garrett announced his candidacy for Chairman of the Davidson County Republican Party. Garrett’s platform will include: 

1.) Build grassroots involvement at the district and precinct level, 
2.) Build financial support of the County Party, 
3.) Build campaign resources for GOP candidates. 
Jim Garrett
Garrett states, “The election of President Trump has ushered in a new era of involvement for the GOP. The voters are telling us it is time for change and they want to be involved in the process. Our county party must answer that call. We need to work at the precinct level to build that involvement, to build resources for our candidates, and to raise money to put the Davidson County Democrat Party on the defense.” Garrett continues, “I come from a rich background of grassroots involvement; knocking doors, coordinating signs, raising money and recruiting election workers. Republicans win when we stand for the values and principles outlined in the RNC platform. It is the party’s objective to recruit candidates in every seat possible. The Democrat Party has held this county far too long merely by the fact of our disengagement.” 

Garrett will bring his years of campaign experience for conservative causes to lead the Republican Party to many victories in Davidson County. It is vital to raise the necessary resources to better equip our candidates in 2018. All bona fide republicans are welcome to the caucus convention on Saturday, February 18 th at the Millennium Maxwell House Hotel, doors open at 8:00am. 

Jim Garrett lives in the Donelson area and retired from Bridgestone America’s in 2011 as Engineering Manager, National Accounts Commercial Products. He has held various leadership roles with the Friends of the NRA and Davidson County Republican Party. Jim is a citizen activist who has successfully authored and gotten passed into law four (4) bills promoting the Second Amendment in the Tennessee Legislature. Jim has honorable served our country in the U.S. Air Force from May 1962 until May 1969. 

For more information contact Jim Garrett at 615-585-4891 or via email at

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