Thursday, February 23, 2017

Latinos for Tennessee Supports President Trump's Immigration Plan

Press release, Nashville, Tennessee - Latinos for Tennessee, a non-partisan organization committed to protecting and promoting faith, family, freedom and fiscal responsibility issued a statement in support of President Trump's latest immigration announcement that includes enforcing existing immigration laws while accommodating young adults that were brought to this country illegally, at no fault of their own, in a federal program commonly known as DACA.

"President Trump demonstrated good judgment and compassion in his most recent immigration order while also following through on his promise to enforce existing immigration laws. The reality is that if we are to remain free and prosperous, no one can be above the law. What's more, to rebuild trust with the American people to push for a permanent immigration solution, our government needs to immediately expel those that have come here to our country to commit crime and be a burden on society," said Lopez.

Lopez continued, "It is also important to note that President Trump is simply doing what prior administrations have previously done by enforcing existing immigration laws, including former President Barack Obama, who was described by National Council of La Raza's Executive Director, Janet MurguĂ­a, as the 'Deporter in Chief' after deporting millions during his administration."

The Executive Director of Latinos for Tennessee concluded: "Latinos for Tennessee has always been, and remains, supportive of immigrants, and of our immigrant community here in the great state of Tennessee and around our country. But to do this, we must discourage continued illegal immigration and work to improve the legal avenues for legal immigration. We are confident that President Trump understands this and we support him and his administration for doing what is necessary to ensure that we remain a country of laws, and also a country of immigrants."

Latinos for Tennessee has a presence in Nashville, Memphis and Chattanooga and is the only ideologically conservative Latino organization in the state of Tennessee.
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