Friday, February 10, 2017

(update) The Davidson County Republican Party Caucuses and Convention is this Saturday, Feb. 18!

In the past the County caucuses have occurred on one day and a week later has been the County Party convention.  This year, in what I think is a wise move, the caucuses and convention will be on the same day.

The caucuses are thirty-five separate meetings at which Republicans gather in groups that correspond to the Metro Council District in which they reside. At these caucus meetings, those in attendance choose delegates to represent them at the Davidson County Republican convention.  At the convention delegates elect a Party chairman and other member of the Executive Committee. These officers serve for the next two years.

The number of delegates varies from caucus to caucus.  The districts which had a higher number of Republicans voting in the last election have more delegates than do those districts which had fewer Republicans casting votes. In reality almost everyone one who attends a caucus meeting gets to serve as a delegate.  Only in those districts in which more people show up than there are allocated delegate slots is there a contested election.

Only bonafied Republicans may take part in the caucus and convention or serve as officers. To see what that means and to see the requirements to hold an office in the Party, see the bylaws at this link.

The publicity for this caucus and convention has been scant.  I am an active Republican and have not received any official notice of the meeting and the party's website does not even announce it. There is supposed to be on-line pre-registration but I do not have a link to that website. I will update this post if more information become available.

Davidson County Republicans can Pre-Register for Saturday's Caucuses by sending an email to Mark Rogers at:
The email should include the following information as it appears on the individual's
Voter Registration Card:
Metro Council District
and include their Telephone Number

This Saturday--February 18, 2017
8 a.m. Registration (Unless You Pre-Register)
9 a.m. Start Of District Caucuses Session
Lunch On Your Own
12:30 P.M. Convention-2017

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