Friday, March 10, 2017

Caffeinated Conservatives meets Sat. March 18th. Guest Shawn Hatmaker, Field Director of Americans For Prosperity

From Caffeinated Conservatives:

We have the pleasure of announcing that next Saturday our speaker will be Shawn Hatmaker, Field Director of Americans For Prosperity. 

AFP says, "We protect the American Dream by fighting each day for lower taxes, less government regulation and economic prosperity for all.  There are over 3,200,000 of us, and we're active in your neighborhood."

Shawn previously worked as a legislative assistant to Representative Timothy Hill.  In that role and his current role with AFP, Shawn has a wealth of knowledge about the legislative process.  With the gas tax discussion that is going on now within the General Assembly, his talk with us will be particularly timely.

Look forward to seeing you:

Saturday, March 18
12 noon to 2 pm
Uncommon Grounds
1053 Donelson Avenue
Old Hickory 37138

Best, Kevin and Laura Baigert

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