Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Diane Black writing in National Review says, "Conservative Repeal and Replace Is Here."

Conservative Repeal and Replace Is Here

Diane Black
by Kevin McCarthy & Diane Black, National Review, March 8, 2017 - Our health-care system is broken. It was inefficient before Obamacare, and Obamacare’s Washington-knows-best-mandates made it many times worse. The American people have suffered as a result. We can’t return to the pre-Obamacare status quo, because Americans need more access to health care. But we also can’t leave the American people tied to a sinking Obamacare ship, forced to face higher annual premiums and fewer provider choices. 

We need relief based on clear principles: Government shouldn’t dictate our health-care choices, health care should be driven by market principles, and we must help those who truly need our help. 

This week, House Republicans introduced legislation rooted in those principles. Our market-driven, patient-centered reforms offer relief from Obamacare, providing a stable transition to a new and reformed health-care system. (Read more)

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