Thursday, March 16, 2017

First person account of going to the Trump rally and not getting in.

I attended the Trump rally last night and did not get in. Here is what I wrote on Facebook at the time:

The below is the Facebook posting of Bill Hobbs, conservative political activist and former blogger. He gives a good report. I agree with him; the Trump phenomena is a movement. Also, the anti-Trump anguish and hysteria is unprecedented and is a phenomena.

Bill Hobbs
I used to silently laugh at the notion that Trump was leading a "movement." Winning a campaign? Sure. He did that. But leading a movement? That's a whole different political animal.
I'm not laughing anymore. In a blue city, a city where Democrats always win every election that matters, Trump drew a massive crowd to Nashville's old Municipal Auditorium. The line to see him was a mile long. That's not hyperbole. It really was a mile long, snaking around the state capitol and through downtown streets.
Thousands of people stood in line for hours to see the president and were turned away because the arena was full. The arena holds more than 10,000 people for an event like a political rally in which the floor is covered with temporary seating. Even without floor seating, Municipal Auditorium has more than 9,600 fixed seats. With floor seating that number is above 10,000.
The Secret Service stopped letting people in when the arena was full.
How many were turned away?
There's no official count, but from my observation the number of Trump supporters who couldn't get into the venue because it was full was at least double and probably triple the number of anti-Trump protesters gathered outside the venue.
Hundreds, probably thousands, more gave up and went home after standing in the cold for a few hours and realizing they were unlikely to get in to the arena.
I stand by my estimate that if the Trump rally had been held at Bridgestone Arena, it, too, would have had every seat full, at more than 19,000 seats.
The local daily birdcage liner estimates the number of protesters at 2,500. I'd say that's a generous number, probably inflated by the standard inflation that the liberal media tends to give liberal crowds. (There's also a standard deflation the liberal media applies to conservative crowds. A good rule of thumb is if 75 liberals show up it's 100 in the newspaper, and if 125 conservatives show up it also is 100 in the newspaper.)
But the newspaper can't apply the standard conservative discount to the pro-Trump crowd inside the arena as it was a ticketed event at a venue with a known number of seats. The exact attendance number is a number that can be known with a fair degree of accuracy and certainty.
Which makes it rather curious that the newspaper has a number for the protestors but not for the Trump supporters.
The newspaper's main story about the Trump rally doesn't give a number for attendance at the event. It only describes it as "thousands in attendance."
The word "thousands" is the same word it uses later in the story for the number of protesters, as in "thousands of protesters." A separate story is headlined "More than 2,500 protest Trump rally."
Somehow they are certain about the number of protesters though there's no way to get an accurate count, but they don't know how many people were in the arena even though an accurate count is possible.
The paper uses the same phrase - "thousands of ..." because it wants to mislead readers into thinking the protesters and supporters were there in comparable numbers.
It isn't true. The arena, with seating for more than 10,000, was full. And somewhere around 5,000 people were turned away, judging from how much of the formerly mile-long lines of people were left standing outside the venue when the arena was full. An unknown number didn't stand in line that long or didn't come because they heard on the news about the mile-long line and realized they had no change to get into the venue.
Even if you accept the inflated number of 2,500 that the newspaper claims for the crowd of protesters, that is still only a quarter the size of the pro-Trump crowd in the arena - and only a sixth, or less, of the total crowd that came out and stood in line for Trump. (And that doesn't even include the thousands of Trump supporters who lined the motorcade route from the airport to the Hermitage.)
Let's be clear: This was a huge crowd that came out to support President Trump. Nashville saw nothing like it on the various occasions when President Obama came to town - and this is a Democrat-majority city. Supporters of President Trump vastly outnumbered the protesters. In a Democrat city.
Yes, there is a Trump-lead movement. A bigly one.
Photo by Connie Hunter
Here is a link to a video of the protestors by Chris Butler, Investigative Reporter with Tennessee Watchdog.

These Black and White photos are of the protestors are by Bill Hobbs. To see more follow this link.
Here is Big John Smith's Facebook report:

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