Friday, March 10, 2017

Mayor Megan Barry Statement on President Trump's Announced Visit to Nashville

Press release, 3/9/2017 - Mayor Megan Barry is aware that President Trump intends to visit Nashville on Wednesday, March 15. The Mayor’s Office has not received any guidance or details from the White House about the President’s visit as of yet. Metro will work with the White House and Secret Service to ensure that the President’s visit is safe and any impact on traffic or accessibility to government services is as minimal as possible.

“Nashville is a warm and welcoming city for all, and that certainly includes President Trump and his supporters who will be attending this event,” said Nashville Mayor Megan Barry. “I hope that during President Trump’s visit to Nashville, he has an opportunity to experience our diverse culture and welcoming values that make our city and our economy so successful. If we have the chance to meet, I would love to follow up on our previous phone conversation about Nashville’s desire to be included in the President’s plan for improving infrastructure across the nation.”

The Mayor’s Office cannot comment on details of the President’s visit until further guidance is received from the White House.

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