Sunday, March 12, 2017

Sen. Lamar Alexander sees the Republican healthcare plan released this week as a good start

USA TODAY NETWORK - Tennessee, WASHINGTON – Sen. Lamar Alexander sees the Republican healthcare plan released this week as a good start toward repealing and replacing the reforms enacted under former President Barack Obama, but he’s not yet ready to commit to voting for the package.

“Let’s wait to see what comes out of the House,” which is currently reviewing the legislation, the Tennessee Republican said. .... Alexander predicted the GOP plan would bring stability and more choices to the insurance market in Tennessee, where Insurance Commissioner Julie Mix McPeak has warned that the exodus of insurers has left the Obamacare exchange, or market, near collapse.

Alexander said one of the things he likes most about the GOP plan is that it would allow 40,000 residents in the Knoxville area who buy their health insurance on the Obamacare exchange to use their subsidies to purchase insurance on the open market. Without that provision, they will be unable to buy a policy because the insurance giant Humana, the sole provider on the federal exchange in Knoxville, has said it will exit the market in 2018.

That “would be like having a bus ticket in a town with no buses running,” Alexander said. “These are some of the most vulnerable people in our state who need help buying insurance, and they literally won’t have any insurance to buy unless Congress acts.” (link)

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