Friday, March 10, 2017

Southeast Nashville Conservatives' Breakfast meets Sat. March 18th. Guest Speaker Ben Cunningham

Please note the new location! Hope to see you at our next meeting. Mark your calendar....

Southeast Nashville Conservatives' Breakfast 
Saturday, March 18 
(note: different Shoney's!!) Shoney's 
**407 W. Thompson Lane** (just off Nolensville Rd) 
Dutch Treat Breakfast/Social Time 8:30 - 9:00 am 
Program/Speaker 9:00 - 10:00 am 
Guest Speaker Ben Cunningham Founder/President of Nashville Tea Party Spokesman for TN Tax Revolt Taxpayer Activist 

At our last Breakfast, we touched on Metro Nashville's current debt (7th highest in Nation) and what seems to be "limitless" spending (and borrowing) by our Mayor and Council. Ben will discuss a new petition drive to allow voters of Davidson County to vote on an amendment to protect taxpayers by placing a limit on the amount of money Metro Nashville Government may borrow. You don't want to miss this! Bring a friend or neighbor. Hosted by Robert Duvall & Pat Carl

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