Saturday, March 11, 2017

TN Senate passes bill that prohibits state and local governments from taking discriminatory action against a business on the basis of the business' internal policies.

On Friday March 7th, the Senate passed Senate Bill 127 by a vote of 25-5.  The bill would prohibit State officials or local governments from discriminating against a business because it does not provide certain employee benefits or policies that go beyond those required by state law.  While the circumstances this bill protects against have not yet happened in Tennessee, one can anticipate that the city of Nashville would be a candidate for this type meddling.  I applaud the State Senate for being proactive. Liberal cities is several other states have done what this bill aims to protect against.  An example would be that Metro require all companies doing business with the city provide abortion coverage to their employees or have policies in place that allows employees to use the bathroom that confirms to the employee's gender identity rather than biological sex. 

The Bill was sponsored by Senator Mark Green. It passed with 25 "ayes," five "noes", and three not voting. Senators voting aye were: Bailey, Beavers, Bell, Bowling, Crowe, Gardenhire, Green, Gresham, Haile, Hensley, Jackson, Johnson, Kelsey, Ketron, Lundberg, Massey, Niceley, Norris, Roberts, Southerland, Stevens, Tate, Tracy, Watson, Mr. Speaker McNally.          

Senators voting no were Dickerson, Harris, Kyle, Overbey, and Yarbro. Senators present and not voting were Briggs, Harper, and Yager.

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