Monday, March 27, 2017

1st Tuesday guest is Senator Mark Green

From Tim Skow:

1ST TUESDAY Members and friends,
A ''dream come true'' for a former college basketball player ... [even if was just on the Freshman

Senator Mark Green
team] is your school to become the next to team to win it all! [GO GONZAGA!]

A ''dream come true'' for a West Point graduate is to be nominated by the President to become the next Secretary-of-the-Army.

On Tuesday, April 4th our next 1ST TUESDAY speaker will be President Trump's choice for the next Secretary of the Army, TN State Senator MARK GREEN! [see link below] WHAT TIMING! This will be a historic day at 1ST TUESDAY. Need I saw more?

As usual, doors at Waller Law [511 Union Street -27th floor] open at 11am. Event lunch is at 11:30, $20 for Members -- $25 for Guests. Lunch must be pre-ordered Monday. A large crowd is expected. Soooo, if you too would like to ''JOIN US'' please DON'T hesitate. Secure seating at 1st Tuesday Nashville and click on ''JOIN US''.

Pass the word and share with those you know. See you on Tuesday, April 4th for 1ST TUESDAY with the Secretary-to-be !!

 Tim Skow Host of 1ST TUESDAY
PS -- 1] TN Senator Bob Corker is our next guest on Monday, April 24
2] Parking under the building is just $7 for 2 hours. Space is limited
3] article link is

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