Friday, April 14, 2017

What Homesharing Means to Me

Reposted from The Beacon Center:

Alece Ronzino

“I moved to Nashville in 2011 after launching and leading a nonprofit in South Africa for 13 years. I’ve continued my work in the nonprofit sector by providing consulting services to grassroots organizations. In 2013, I purchased my first home in East Nashville and began renting out my guest rooms on Airbnb to supplement my income. If it weren’t for my Airbnb business, I would be hard-pressed to continue my work with developing nonprofits that are doing great work with small budgets. I am thankful to live in a city that has an innovative entrepreneurial culture, enabling me to restart my life, serve nonprofits, earn a living, and support other local businesses.” 
 Rachel and P.J. Anderson

“My husband is a Christian singer-songwriter who frequently tours for his work. Since I am a graphic designer, my job enables me to travel with my husband along with our young children. It’s important for us that our young family is able to spend as much time together as possible. We rent out our home on Airbnb while we travel, enabling us to keep our family together and cover all of our expenses. It just seems unfair that Nashville decision makers are siding with the big hotel chains over small families like us who are just trying to achieve work-life balance.”

Shan Canfield

“My husband and I purchased the home next door to our own and opened an Airbnb to help us retire on time. This was a huge opportunity for us to get ahead financially, but it also allowed us to invest in the lives of people from all around the world. We have loved operating this business and sharing our lives with individuals and families whose paths we’d otherwise never have crossed. To us, Airbnb has meant financial security, the ability to invest in our community, and sharing our lives. We’re so grateful for what this business has brought to our lives.”

Bailey Neal

“I own and operate a business called Nestive that services 135 short-term rentals in the state. My business employs 24 full and part-time people making upwards of $15/hour who clean, perform maintenance, and provide upkeep on homes being used as short-term rental properties. I am passionate about ensuring that visitors to Nashville enjoy a quality experience in the city and truly experience our community. Operating this business allows me to positively impact the lives of so many of my fellow citizens from those I employ, to the Airbnb hosts and their guests that we serve, to the numerous shop and restaurant owners our guests visit while in town.” 


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