Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Adam Dread has withdrawn his name as a candidate for General Sessions Judge

Former Metro councilman and former candidate for a General Session Judge position, Adam Dread,   has withdrawn his name from consideration as a candidate for the vacancy created by the resignation of disgraced Judge Casey Moreland.  The Council fills that position in action at tonight's Council meeting. With Dread out of the race, that leaves these six candidates:

  • Sam Coleman, an attorney in private practice is the current member of the Council representing the Antioch area.
  • Ana Escobar, who was an assistant prosecutor at the District Attorney’s Office and was Metro clerk from 2011 to 2013. These are advantages in that she gets known by the Courthouse crowd.  Also, I would suspect that having a Spanish surname and being female would be a benefit.  
  • Michael Clemons, a partner at Clemmons & Clemons PLLC, the law firm also founded by Tennessee Rep. John Ray Clemmons, D-Nashville.
  • Martesha Johnson, has worked in the Davidson County Public Defender's Office for eight years.
  • Nick McGregor, a criminal defense attorney at the Law Office of Nick McGregor.
  • Tillman Payne, has practiced family law, personal injury and criminal law in the Nashville area for more than 10 also worked as a public defender in Wilson County. 
For WSMV's report on Dread's withdrawal, follow this link

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