Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Bellevue Republican Breakfast Club special guest is Ben Cunningham, Saturday June 3rd

From Betty Hood, Chair of the Bellevue Republican Breakfast Club:

Dear BRBC Friends,

Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day!!  Fox News did a meaningful tribute to our fallen heroes.

For those who missed the May breakfast club, Ben Cunningham was unable to be with us due to health issues.  He was kind enough to send us Mark Skoda who kept us thoroughly entertained.  Now Ben is feeling much better and will be with us this Saturday at 8 am.  The address is River Art Studio, 8329 Sawyer Brown Rd which is next to the Plantation Pub in River Plantation.  For those who worked the Victory Headquarters for Romney and Ryan in 2012, this is the same place.

Hope to see you Saturday, 

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