Tuesday, May 02, 2017

Kathleen Starnes, RIP

I was saddened to learn of the passing of Kathleen Starnes on Sunday.  She had been battling cancer for the last two years.

Kathleen was one of the nicest people I have ever known.  She had a zest for life,  a warm personality, a ready smile, a quick wit, and an easy laugh. She lit up a room. It always made me feel good just to be around her.

She was tireless in promoting the local Republican Party, Republican candidates, and Republican ideas. She was a motivator and made people excited about getting involved.

Kathleen served as chairman of the  Davidson County Republican Party from 2009 to  2013. She became Chairman at a time of new energy in the Party and greater citizen involvement.  She became Chairman about the same time as the birth of the tea party and the ascendancy of libertarian Republicans. Along with the new energy and greater involvement there were conflicts and disagreements and challenges.  Kathleen handled some difficult challenges with grace and wisdom. 

She grew the Party. Her activities and accomplishment included establishment of a successful Chairman’s Circle where members paid $1000 per couple and she raised funds to keep the DCRP in the black.  She established Republican breakfast groups across the county.  Kathleen encouraged candidates to run for office and helped numerous candidates with fundraising and organizing. Kathleen was a Romney delegate to National Republican Convention in 2012.

Her funeral is tomorrow, Wednesday May 3rd.  To see her obituary and funeral arrangements, follow this link. Her Facebook page is full of tributes and remembrances and pictures. To view her Facebook page follow this link.  To read my blog post over the years which concerned  Kathleen, follow this link.

I pray for comfort for her family. Kathleen was a blessing to all who knew her. Rest in peace. 

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