Wednesday, May 03, 2017

Major pro-life bill passes the General Assembly restricting post-viability abortions

From Tennessee Right to Life - Despite strong opposition from Planned Parenthood, ACOG and other pro-abortion activists, pro-life legislators have strengthened Tennessee's protective public policies and overwhelmingly passed the Tennessee Infant Protection Act (HB 1189 / SB 1180).  Led by prime sponsor state Rep. Matthew Hill (R-Jonesborough), the state House voted early Wednesday to pass House Bill 1189 by a vote of 69-18. On Monday, the state Senate passed the bill, sponsored by state Senator Joey Hensley, M.D. (R-Hohenwald) by a vote of 27-3.  The bill now goes to Pro-Life Governor Haslam who is unlikely to veto the protective legislation.

The bill criminalizes abortions after viability of an unborn child has been established except in the rare instances of threat to the life of the mother. The bill also requires a viability assessment be performed beginning at 20 weeks of pregnancy (LMP) in order to carefully test whether or not the child is able to live outside the womb with or without medical support.

The bill establishes a state presumption of viability at 24-weeks gestational development (LMP.)

Legislators voting pro-abortion: Representatives Akbari, Camper, Clemmons, Cooper, Favors, Fitzhugh, Gilmore, Hardaway, Jernigan, Jones, Love, Miller, Mitchell, Pitts, Powell, Staples, Stewart, &; Turner.

Present and Not Voting were Republicans: Gravitt, Hazlewood, & McCormick.
Not Voting were Representatives: Carter, Parkinson, Smith, & Towns.
Absent were Representatives: Alexander, BeckBrooks, Kevin & Windle.

Nashville Representative Sherry Jones was a major opponent of the bill. Some question the constitutionality of the bill and it is not a certainty that Gov. Haslam will sign it according to reporting by the Nashville Post. To read the Nashville Post coverage of this story follow this link.

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