Thursday, May 04, 2017

What TNGOP and others are saying about the passage of AHCA in the US House

 TNGOP Statement on Passage of AHCA in US House

Nashville, Tenn. – May 4, 2017 – Tennessee Republican Party Chairman Scott Golden released the following statement on the passage of the American Health Care Act in the U.S. House of Representatives:
Today, Republicans delivered on their unified promise to address America's failing healthcare system. The passage of the AHCA in the House is the first legislative step to fix the broken system Democrats created with Obamacare. Tennesseans have seen an increase in premiums and costs all while seeing a decrease in choice and coverage. Currently, 73 of Tennessee's 95 counties have only one option in the Obamacare exchange and in 2018, 16 Tennessee counties could be faced with no options at all. I congratulate the members of Tennessee's congressional delegation that voted for a better healthcare system for the American people, and applaud President Trump and Vice-President Pence on today's victory.

From Heritage  for America
Today, the House voted to pass the Affordable Healthcare Act (AHCA) 217 to 213.
This bill is NOT a full repeal of Obamacare, but it is a step towards dismantling the most harmful parts of Obamacare and moving authority from federal bureaucrats to the states.
Conservative leaders in Congress put a lot on the line over this fight. They were courageous in fighting for the American people and moving the debate towards a real repeal of Obamacare.
The bill that just passed the House includes the MacArthur-Meadows Amendment, which would allow states to opt out of some of the most harmful parts of Obamacare, such as essential health benefits and parts of the community rating scheme.
The next step will be the Senate, which will have the opportunity to debate and address additional parts of the regulatory structure of Obamacare. Senate conservatives are eager to engage, and moving this admittedly flawed bill out of the House will provide them that opportunity.
It’s because of your continued pressure that Congress is finally taking steps toward repealing and dismantling Obamacare. The next step is to ensure your Senators know that you expect them to continue pushing for more of Obamacare’s Title I regulations to be rolled back.
Thank you for keeping the pressure on repealing Obamacare.

Michael A. Needham
Chief Executive Officer

My Comment:  Heritage Action is the political action arm of the Heritage Foundation.They have an army of conservative activist.  Heritage Action contributed to the defeat of the first effort at Obamacare repeal. 

Today, 217 House members jammed through a cruel bill to repeal and replace Obamacare.
My Comment: I read OFA so you don't have too. They are an effective liberal advocacy group than can generate lots of outrage and phone calls to Congress and raise money.  



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