Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Council passes Sanctuary City bill on Second Reading

Controversial immigration measures move forward in Nashville's Metro Council

by Joey Garrison , USA Today Network,Tennessee - After an intense debate, the council voted 25-8, with four abstentions, to advance an ordinance that would prevent Metro from using city funds and facilities to enforce federal immigration law, among other restrictions. It sets up a third and final vote on the bill next month. .....  Councilman Robert Swope, in an impassioned speech, said the bill would have "disastrous impacts" on Nashville and guaranteed the bill would lead to action by the Republican-controlled state legislature overturning the council's action. .....Metro Legal Director Jon Cooper said Metro attorneys are still finalizing a formal legal opinion on the bill. he said the department's current position is that Sheriff Daron Hall, a state constitutional officer who oversees the city's jail, would not have to follow the restrictions. (link

For a more detailed report and the Council meeting video with the sanctuary city bill notated in the video and a listing of how individual council members voted, please check back. Rod

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