Sunday, June 04, 2017

Melissa Simthson is the new Chair of the Davidson County Republican Party

Melissa Smithson
Melissa Smithson became Chairman of the Davidson County Republican Party after the State Party ruled that newly elected Chairman Tres Wittum was not eligible to serve.  

Wittum was elected as Chairman at the February 18th Convention in a contentious election. To serve as a an officer of a county party one of the requirements is that one must have voted in the last three Republican Primaries in the county in which he is eligible to vote. Wittum said he did vote in the primaries and that he voted absentee but there was no record of his voting.   Wittum's eligibility was challenged from the floor of the convention. The rules committee, in what to me appeared to be a strange ruling, ruled that Wittum's  candidacy would be permitted but he did not meet the qualifications. He went on to be elected in a hotly contested election that went several ballots. At the time, several delegates to the convention said they would take their challenge of Wittum to the State Party. (For more on that convention, follow this link.)

At the February convention, Melissa Smithson was elected Vice-Chair. When the State Executive Committee met in April, they ruled that Wittum was not eligible to serve and Smithson became Chairman.

Below is a statement from Melissa Smithson that she posted to Facebook.
Many of you know over the last few years of my involvement in our local and national politics. I never thought I would get involved, but the threat of the Fairgrounds being demolished a few years back got me active. It was a bi-partisan effort in getting a referendum on the books to have the people vote to keep the Fairgrounds - which we did in huge numbers thanks to everyone! The war is not over with it, but we won this battle! More news coming soon on that...

After working on several campaigns over the last 4 years, including the Trump campaign as co-chairman of our County, and being involved with our Davidson County Republican Party and serving on the board, I was honored on Thursday night to be elected as Chairman. As you know, I love this city we live in and want our city the be the best in the Nation but hold on to our true characteristics and values that we cherish as life-long Nashvillians. I will work hard to rebrand and reestablish the Party in Nashville, working with conservative businesses and having meetups and events to register voters and gain membership. We will look for great candidates to support to fill upcoming vacancies within our local government to serve and make sure conservative and Nashville values stay intact.

We have a new focus, a new board, a new energy. We are in a new era of politics not ever seen by this Country. My leadership will be of a servant's heart - being respectful, kind, open-minded - but standing firm on our beliefs and values of the Party and our beloved Nashville way.
I extend my congratulations to Melissa Smithson, appreciate her willingness to serve. and wish her all the best. 

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