Thursday, June 15, 2017

Nashville mayor sends letter to head of ICE about immigration enforcement

Astute political observer and influential political activist Rick Williams posted this to Facebook today. I concur.

For more on this story see the following:
Mayor to ICE: Stop posing as police, undermining trust in Nashville Kurdish community
Nashville mayor sends letter to head of ICE about immigration enforcement

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1 comment:

  1. Nashville’s sanctuary city proposal appears to be one of the most liberal in the country. Unlike the cities of New York and San Francisco, Nashville’s proposed law makes no exception for criminals.

    At least New York City has exceptions for people on terrorism watch lists. And that same law lists 170 crimes that if people are convicted of will trigger cooperation with federal immigration authorities. And recently New York Mayor Bill De Blasio has acknowledged that even more crimes might need to be added to the list, because some crimes like welfare fraud and unwanted touching aren’t included in the 170 offenses.

    This is beyond outrageous. The news media has widely reported that drug cartels are actively working in Nashville and its surrounding cities and selling heroin, meth and cocaine. As far as I’m concerned, the cartels are far more dangerous than Al Qaeda and ISIS combined. They’ve certainly killed more people, if you consider all who have died from overdosing on Mexican black tar heroin. And what about the MS-13 gang members, human traffickers and other criminals preying on Nashvillians? Read the ordinance. No exceptions for criminals.

    If that’s not bad enough, there’s a real question whether the bill, if it passes, would allow illegal immigrants to get public benefits, including affordable or subsidized housing. That may seem pretty far –fetched until you read the text of the ordinance. If forbids Metro employees from asking about immigration status.

    Does that mean that our own citizens sleep on the streets or get pushed further and further out of the city because of skyrocketing rents while illegal immigrants get affordable housing? I don’t know what the answer is, but I would feel much better if the ordinance expressly forbade it.

    Most citizens have no idea how permissive this bill actually is.
