Thursday, June 22, 2017

Rep. Black Slams Nashville City Council’s Vote To Endanger Tennessee Families

June 20, 2017,  Press Release , Washington, D.C. – Congressman Diane Black (R-TN-06), a member of the House Border Security Caucus and author of the Stop Dangerous Sanctuary Cities Act, condemns Nashville City Council vote on bills to obstruct immigration law, putting illegal aliens first and the safety and security of Tennessee families last.

"First and foremost, as a mother and a grandmother, I implore the Councilmembers to start holding illegal immigrants accountable for crime and acts of violence.  Sanctuary city policies to help and support criminal illegal immigrants pose a direct threat to our citizens and undermine the rule of law.  In Congress, I'm working with my colleagues to pass the Stop Dangerous Sanctuary Cities Act to cut off funding for any municipality that helps illegal immigrants hide from the law.  It's time for Mayor Barry to stop borrowing liberal policies from California and New York and start putting the safety and security of Tennessee families first,” said Congressman Diane Black.

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