Thursday, July 27, 2017

Greer Stadium redevelopment faces mounting pushback in Metro Council

by Nate Rau, The Tennessean - Before the plan to redevelop the Greer Stadium property even materializes as actual legislation, the proposal is receiving pushback from the at-large members of the Metro Council. The five at-large members — John Cooper, Erica Gilmore, Bob Mendes, Jim Shulman and Sharon Hurt — sent a letter to Mayor Megan Barry on July 19 expressing concerns about the Cloud Hill development. Cooper has already been outspoken against the proposal.

At this point, the at-large members say they prefer for the property that previously was home to a minor league baseball stadium to be converted to parkland. (link)

My Comment: I agree.  The baseball site should revert to park land.  The site destroys the view of the hill and development of the baseball park  will make the fort look crowded. With the baseball field gone, the view looking up at the fort and the view from the fort will both be more impressive. As Nashville continues to grow we need more reserved open spaces, not less.

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