Thursday, July 27, 2017

Vice President Mike Pence to be keynote speaker at TNGOP Statesmen's Dinner.

Vice President Mike Spence
Press release, Nashville, TN., July 15, 2017 - Tennessee Republican Party Chairman Scott
Golden released the following statement on the 2017 Statesmen's Dinner:
I am very excited to announce that the Tennessee Republican Party's Keynote Speaker for the 2017 Statesmen's Dinner will be Vice President Mike Pence. This is an exciting time for the Tennessee Republican Party as we continue to grow and gear up for 2018's critical elections. With Vice President Mike Pence as our Keynote Speaker and Governor Bill Haslam as our Dinner Chair, we expect this will be one of the largest and most successful Statesmen's Dinners to date. It will certainly be an event no Republican in Tennessee will want to miss. 
The 2017 Statesmen's Dinner will be held on August 3rd at the Music City Center in Nashville with receptions beginning at 5:30pm and the dinner starting at 6:30pm. Past Statesmen’s speakers include former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley (2016), former Florida Governor Jeb Bush (2015), New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (2014), U.S. Senator Tim Scott (2013), former Vice President Dick Cheney (2002), and former Vice President Dan Quayle (1989).

For ticket information, follow this link.

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