Friday, August 04, 2017

An enjoyable evening at the TNGOP Statemen's Dinner where VP MIke Pence was the keynote speaker.

I had an enjoyable evening at the Tennessee Republican Party's Statesman's Dinner last night.  Luckily people arrived early enough and arrival times were staggered enough so there was no problem getting through security to get into the event.  I arrived about 5PM for the event which started at 6:30.  I enjoyed mingling and talking to other Republicans and people I had not seen in a while, while enjoying an overpriced $10 class of wine. I saw Diane Black and chatted with her and I saw Beth Harwell.  I don't if the other candidates for governor were there but their people had a presence handing out campaign stickers.

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Connie Hunter and Rod Williams enjoying something funny.
The event started on time and Governor Bill Haslam made introductory remarks, touting the success of his administration, and he introduced Vice President Mike Pence.  He explained how he had gotten to know Mike Pence when Pence was governor of Indiana and spoke of their friendship and the respect he had for the man.

In Vice Presidents Pence's speech he spoke of the successes of the Trump presidency including the appointment of Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, the approval of the Keystone pipeline, the roll back of numerous regulations, starting the process of building up the military, and getting out of the Paris climate accord. He said their were more achievements coming, including adequate funding for the military, rebuilding our alliances, securing the border, and tax reform.  He said repeal and replacement of Obamacare would happen yet. The Tennessean gives a good report of the speech and the event which  you can read at this link and this link. The Tennessean also post 54 pictures from the event.

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I enjoyed being at the table with Martha Brown, Melissa
Smithson, Connie Hunter and John Wang and his wife and family.
The Tennessean reports that some illegal aliens were outside the convention center protesting Turmp's immigration policy, but until reading in the paper this morning, I did not know of any protest.  I don't think anyone attending the event was aware of the protestors.

The meal was just OK.  Of course that is not why you pay $250 to attend an event like this. The meal is never anything great at these type events.  I think it is hard to prepare a great meals for 2,000 people.

Unfortunately, I had to leave the event early to relieve my invalid wife's sitter and missed the performance by Ricky Scaggs.

This is a "Thank you" email I received today from the TNGOP.
Good Afternoon,
Last night's Statesmen's Dinner was definately one to remember. We at the Tennessee Republican Party want to personally thank all 2,000 people that came out and made the night a success. 
We would also like to say congratulations again to all of the award recipiants last night:
Howard Baker Award - Governor Winfield Dunn
Statesman of the Year Awards:
  • 1st District - Roger Greene
  • 2nd District - Pete DeBusk
  • 3rd District - Tony Sanders
  • 4th District - Scottie Poarch
  • 5th District - Mayor Bob Rial
  • 6th District - John Roberts
  • 7th District - Peggy Daniel
  • 8th District - Shannon Haynes
  • 9th District - Barbara Thornton
With the help of all of our donors, volunteers and activists, we are getting ready to elect Republicans across the state next fall! 
When we have supporters like you, together, the Republican Party in Tennessee will continue growing and building on the sweeping victories of 2016. Together We will continue moving Tennessee forward!
Thank you for all you do,
Tennessee Republican Party

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