Thursday, August 10, 2017

Audit of Knowles Assisted Living Center reveals $400,000 in missing funds

DA alerted to missing funds at Metro assisted living center

by Nate Rau, USA TODAY NETWORK - Tennessee - An audit revealing over $400,000 in unaccounted spending by a Metro contractor has been forwarded to the District Attorney's Office for possible criminal investigation, multiple sources told The Tennessean. The audit of Knowles Assisted Living Center, released on July 18, was requested by the Metro Council after an array of questions were raised about the operator's finances and an affiliated real estate deal. ....

The audit, conducted by the Metro Internal Auditor, identified at least $334,636 in funds spent without the notation of a business purpose in Autumn Hills' records. The audit found an additional $99,443 in ATM withdrawals from patients' personal trust fund accounts, which comes from social security checks and is supposed to be used for entertainment, snacks and other personal expenses. (read more)

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