Saturday, August 12, 2017

Bill Lee advocates for school vouchers in Beacon Center interview.

In a live stream Facebook interview Thursday August 10 with the Beacon Center of Tennessee,  gubernatorial candidate Bill Lee advocated for more school choice saying he would support school vouchers and "be a strong advocate for school choice in every area of the state."  He also said he would support removing barriers to work such as unnecessary licensing requirements for some professions and he would support stronger work requirements for those on public assistance. He also advocates for criminal justice reform. You can watch the full interview at this link.  There is some dead air time at the start of the video and the interview starts at timestamp 1:45.

The Beacon Center has invited all of the candidates for governor to a live Facebook interview.  Scheduled interviews are as follows:
Mae Beavers, Friday, August 25th, 2:45 PM CT
Randy Boyd, Tuesday, September 12th, 2 PM CT

One may participate in the interview by submitting questions while the interview is in progress or emailing questions in advance to  along with your name and the city or town in which you live.

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