Sunday, August 06, 2017

Craig Fitzhugh to run for governor of Tennessee, setting up contested Democratic primary

Craig Fitzhugh
Graig Fitzhugh, the last remaining rural Democrat serving in the State legislature, is jumping into the race for the Democrat nomination to run for governor challenging former Nashville mayor Karl Dean. Fitzhugh has served in the State house for 23 years.  Karl Dean is looked upon by some Democrats as too business friendly and has created some Democrat enemies due to his support of charter schools.  Fitzhugh is viewed as  more of a labor union-friendly traditional Democrat.  The two candidates will present a contrast in style; Dean is former mayor of an urban center and a transplant to Tennessee and Fitzhugh is a folksy small-town banker with deep Tennessee roots.  Dean has a campaign war chest of about $1.2 million and Fitzhugh has only about $12,000.  Democratic fundraiser and wealthy Nashville businessman Bill Freeman is backing Fitzhugh. To read The Tennessean article from where I gleamed this information, follow this link.

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