Tuesday, August 08, 2017

The Bastiat Society meets Aug 10th. Presents "Rigged: The Injustice of Corporate Welfare.'

The Bastiat Society will present the Beacon Center of Tennessee's first ever documentary at our August meeting. Come watch the 20 minute film, Rigged: The Injustice of Corporate Welfare, and learn how the practice of corporate welfare hurts our state's small and local businesses.

In the film, you will hear from two Memphis furniture store owners and discover the difficulties they faced when a large competitor was given a vast sum of money by the government to open up down the road. After the screening, the Beacon Center's President & CEO Justin Owen will host a discussion on the topic of corporate welfare in our state.

6:00 pm Happy Hour & Networking

6:30 pm Rigged: The Injustice of Corporate Welfare

7:00 pm Discussion with Beacon Center President & CEO Justin Owen on Corporate Welfare in Tennessee

Events are free but please register here!

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